Monday 9th June 2025

For an application for a grant to be considered at our next Trustee meeting,

please submit it on the form at the end of this website

by Monday 2nd June 2025.

Applications received after that date will be considered

at our next meeting.

Christchurch Charitable Trust

The Christchurch Charitable Trust is a local, independent, charity. We provide grants for projects which benefit the community in the Christchurch area.

We actively invite applications for funds from not-for-profit groups and organisations including registered charities, community interest groups, service organisations, volunteer groups, youth groups, local schools, local town and parish councils and the like.

The application needs to be for charitable purposes which include:

  • providing funds to support services to vulnerable groups in the community, be they the young or elderly or those with disabilities or other disadvantages
  • the advancement of community cohesion and development (including supporting the running of community events)
  • the advancement of education, health, heritage and environmental protection & improvement

The project needs to be for the benefit of the community in the Christchurch area which is defined as the former Borough of Christchurch and therefore includes the area covered by the current wards of Christchurch Town; Commons; Burton & Grange; Mudeford & West Highcliffe and Highcliffe & Walkford.

Applications from organisations outside of Christchurch will be considered if satisfactory assurances can be given that the funds granted will be ringfenced to provide benefit to Christchurch residents.

We are keen to support worthwhile community projects that need funds to help achieve their goals.  Applications for identifiable projects  – and ones that are either run by or include volunteers – will be preferred.

Most grants will be in the £500 to £5,000 range. Grants for above that amount will be considered in exceptional circumstances.

To get a feel for the projects and organisations we are likely to support, do read the Blogs on our Charity News page to see the grants we have made.

Application is made by completing and submitting the form at the end of this website.

If you have an interesting project that is likely to help the local community – do apply!



Applications from individuals or for individual benefit will not be accepted.

Grants for the payment of salaries or general running costs for already established organisations will not be considered other than in exceptional circumstances.

Grants will not be given if the trustees consider that the project would be better funded from another source or that it should be funded by central government or the local authority or if the trustees consider that the organisation applying for the grant has sufficient funds of its own to cover the project.

Grants will not be considered for purposes that are considered by the trustees to be political or religious (but this should not prevent religious bodies from applying for grants for charitable non-religious projects).

How we can help

Who we are and our trustees

Find out more about the Christchurch Charitable Trust, a Christchurch based charity which is run by trustees for the benefit of the community in Christchurch and the surrounding area.


Learn about our news and the grants we have made

The purpose of the charity has always been to provide charitable benefit for the community in the Christchurch area and the trustees wish to help those organisations and groups that support the local community.


Apply for a grant

We will accept applications from not-for-profit groups and organisations including registered charities, community interest groups, service organisations, volunteer groups, town councils and parish councils and the like.



from the Christchurch Charitable Trust online